
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Recap of the last few months and why I have been MIA

So I was looking at my blog and my last post was in September!!  I am new at this blogging thing but to go 3 months with no post is probably not the best way to keep readers on your blog.  Anyways, I have a lot to write about so hopefully I can be a little more regular.  First of all the biggest news and the main reason I have been MIA is..... I'm Pregnant!  My husband and I are expecting our first child in March.  We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our little GIRL on or around March 20th!!  Here is a recap of what has been going on....

Baby Girl...
How we found out: In July I was racing in my 5th Triathlon for the 2012 season (I was training for nationals which was going to be held in August in Vermont).  I had a horrible race, my bike was slow and one the 3 mile run I had to stop twice because I felt weird (no good description just off).  I finished 6th and this is a race I won the prior year.  I had no symptoms of being pregnant but I decided to take a test anyways.  Trent told me I was just waisting money by taking a test, I proved that wrong in only 30 seconds.  We still laugh at how I told him... he was siting over the trash can clipping his toe nails (he will really enjoy knowing I am telling you all about this!!)  Once the two pink lines appeared I went over to him and said well ready or not.... We scheduled the confirmation doctors appointment to make sure.  The morning of the appointment we were like two kids on Christmas day.  We arrived early, and when I say early I mean early (we beat the nurses to the office).  The sound of the heartbeat is something I will never forget. 
Sex of the baby:  We knew we wanted to find out but our plan was to have the nurse write down boy or girl and then have a reveal with our family.  So at 16 weeks we had our ultrasound and the nurse wrote down the sex.  That night we had our parents and grandparents over and we played a little game to reveal.  We had everyone pick a piece of paper out of a hat and only one person got the answer.  His mom was the lucky one and on the piece of paper it said.... It's a GIRL!  We were all so excited except for my grandma, as we announced it was a girl she said very loudly NOOOO!  apparently she really wanted us to have a boy but I think the news of a girl has grown on her.
Current Stats: We are currently 27 weeks.

Racing and Working out.....
Since the news of our little girl I have had to slow my training schedule down, but I have not stopped it.  I am still running, walking, taking spin class, swimming and doing an at home video for pregnant women.  The doctor told me exercise is good for the baby and encouraged me to continue until I deliver.  of course I take plenty of precautions, I wear a heart rate monitor (which Trent set an alarm so I don't over do it), I drink plenty of water, and most importantly I listen to my body, if I have to slow down and walk that's what I do.  I didn't go to Vermont for the Nationals this year, there is always next year.
I have a few 5K and 10K's coming up in the new year I want to participate in so I will keep you posted on how those go. 
My biggest racing goal is set for October 2013.  I plan on doing my 2nd Ironman in Wilmington, Beach to Battleship.  Trent said he will be there with baby girl cheering me on. He really is my biggest cheerleader!  I have a feeling that this Ironman will mean so much more to me than the first one, just to see both Trent and my baby girl at the finish line, it gets me emotional just thinking about it.

So that should bring you up to speed a little.  I am planning on posting a few separate post on our reveal party and my weekly belly photos.  And I promise it wll not be three months before I post again.

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